In order to test backflow preventers in the state of Virginia, each local municipality requires the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation ( DPOR ) Backflow Prevention Device Worker Designation on the State Tradesman License.
Their application is available online here - requirement 13 requires either four years of practical experience in "water distribution systems" and a 40-hour course, or seven years of practical experience and a 16-hour course. Experience is submitted in this Experience Verification form which is filled out by the applicant and verified by the employer. The verifier cannot be the applicant or a close relative, usually you just use the contractor you were working for, if you work for yourself you can use a local inspector or an employee / accountant that does the payroll as long as they are not a close relative. Acceptance of the work experience is up to DPOR. "Water Distribution Systems" we understand to mean any work done in one of the water related trades, so plumbing, fire sprinkler, irrigation, or something similar would be accepted, but the decision on the work experience is at the discretion of DPOR and sometimes might need additional board review.
If you have a criminal record (felony or misdemeanor), you have to report that on their criminal reporting form - online here - they will check it so you want to fill it out if you have any guilty verdicts or also any "nolo contendere plea" which would not include cases that included a plea agreement before trial, dropped in exchange for therapy, anything completely expunged. Having a record does not exclude you from the license, but if you have fraud or theft crimes on your record, sometimes they do not accept the applications because I guess you could defraud customers, but DUIs, violent offenders who have served their time, etc., should be fine. This is at the discretion of the DPOR and you might want to ask them if your record is an issue before taking a class.
The Transcript and Experience Verification Form, along with any payments or other items, such as a criminal reporting form, etc., are submitted via standard mail or can be delivered in person. Once approved, you will be given a login code with PSI to schedule for your exam.
Similar to all other trade license exams in Virginia, this exam is done through PSI. You will go to a test center where you answer multiple choice questions on a computer, and the test is open book, meaning you are allowed to use specific text books which are examined on entry. They cannot have notes written in them, but are allowed to be highlighted or reproduced (stapled or 3-ring bound). You do not have to bring the books, many times these type of exams are closed book, but you want to make sure you have the VADPOR Individual License and Certification Regulations and the correct version, which, although it is old, the version used for the exam is from 2015 :
Virginia Board for Contractors, Individual License and Certification Regulations ( 2015 version, current version may have different answers and effect your test )
2015 or 2018 International Plumbing Code ( more current versions are likely acceptable to PSI but may have different answers and effect your test )
One of the following:
USC Manual of Cross-Connection Control, 2009, 10th edition
ASSE 5000 - Cross-Connection Control Professional Qualifications
TREEO - Backflow Prevention Theory and Practice, 2004
You can bring a backflow text to the class but it is often not necessary, links are above if you wanted to order a book in order to bring it to your exam.
The PSI Exams Candidate Information Bulletin also outlines what subject the questions are pulled from. The BPAT exam includes 40 questions and are multiple choice, and you are given 150 minutes to complete. One glaring item that we stress to our students is that 10 out of the 40 questions are based on the DPOR Rules and Regulations packet, so only 75% of the exam actually pertains to backflow prevention testing (all tradesmen exams include these 10 questions, but since BPAT is only 40 questions instead of the normal 100, they are weighted much more heavily). Below is the outline provided by PSI:
A. Standards of Practice (3 Items)
B. Standards of Conduct (2 Items)
C. Renewal and Reinstatement (2 Items)
D. Definitions (1 Item)
E. Qualification for Licensure (1 Item)
F. Revocation of Licensure (1 Item)
G. Testing/Troubleshooting (16 Items)
H. Assemblies/Devices (4 Items)
I. General Subject Knowledge (6 Items)
J. Maintenance and Repair (2 Items)
K. Laws and Rules (1 Item)
L. Safety (1 Item)
The full PSI Exams Candidate Information Bulletin is downloadable here - but note this includes all tradesmen exams so you have to weed out the information specific to Backflow Prevention Device Worker.