We don't currently have any open enrollment courses scheduled in the state of Kentucky. We offer private courses and have a hosting program if you wanted to host a course.
There is no state level program for Kentucky, so backflow testers are regulated at the local water purveyor level. The major ones ( Kentucky American Water , Georgetown Municipal Water, et al. ) require a tester to be certified and in good standing by Blue Grass Cross Connection Prevention Association (BGCCPA). Louisville Water has a more elaborate program but can use the BGCCPA tester certificate among other submission items.
We hold an approval through the Blue Grass Cross Connection Prevention Association ( BGCCPA ) for our 40-hour course as the educational requirement to get registered as a tester. The 40-hour course is not a license in itself, you have to register with BGCCPA in order to be listed as a tester.
The regulations on the state level do not mention tester certifications, but there are some other rules and regulations that you might want to review - Kentucky Title 401 Chapter 8 Regulation 020 Section 3
After completion of our 40-hour USC-based course, you submit your diploma to BGCCPA ( bgccpaky@gmail.com / 859-229-9668 / Gary Williams ) .. you will have to fill out some paperwork and pay fees to join the organization and be registered as a tester. Your certification will be valid for 3 years, ending on January 31st, to renew for 3 more years, you have to attend two 6-hour conferences hosted by the association, there is no additional course or exam required for registration, but there are fees and applications that are done directly with the association to be become a registered tester.
For BGCCPA, the basis of the program is the USC 10th Edition. On our YouTube Channel, we created a series of videos where we test the four types of preventers using the USC procedures that are covered in the course.
The Complete Guide to Testing Backflow Preventers - By the Book
Reduced Pressure Principle (RPZ) - USC 2-Valve Procedures
Double Check Valve Assembly (DCV) - USC Procedures
Pressure Vacuum Breaker (PVB) - USC Procedures
Spill Resistant Vacuum Breaker (SVB) - USC Procedures